My First Homerun


Tyler Cerutti, Writer

Pitcher throwing a no-hitter, so far

I step up to the perfect plate looking like a superstar 

The pitcher starts his wild windup

To the last person in the lineup

Looking for the Fantastic First


Straight down the strike zone

I felt alone

Flat Fastball

Is what I recall

Looking for the Fantastic First


Simple Swing


Anticipation, there goes the ball

Significant Smash over the wall

Happy Homerun

While I run

Fantastic First


Rowdy while Rounding the bases

I put their whole team in their places

My teammates were over the moon

The ball went out at the end of June


Huddled home plate

High fives by Coach Brad, it was great

Crowd cheering, in state

Fantastic First


Magnificent Mom taking video, while being loud 

People Proud

I went so fast

It felt like it was far in the past

Fantastic First